If you have made it this far, odds are you are curious to know more about me, founder & owner of Sundry KC. I'm Jessie Rose Fullinwider...
well technically Jessica, but you can call me anything but that :)
Originally from Kansas City, I attended The University of Oklahoma & graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Advertising & double-minors in International Studies & Italian Language in the spring of 2020. Being that my graduation took place during the beginning of the COVID-19 global pandemic, my in-person graduation ceremony was moved to completely online, my diploma was mailed to my parents house & my post-college plans crumbled before my eyes. Determined to maintain my momentum & motivation, I moved back to KC & began working with my fathers' full-service accounting firm, The Fullinwider Firm, LLC, while quietly built Sundry KC.
During my time at OU, I also served as the advertising manager for the OU Daily, our on-campus news outlet. It was here that I found my passion for human resources, marketing, client relationship management & leadership. I am overwhelmed with gratitude when I think of my alma mater, as my college, classes, professors, friends & on-campus job equipped me with the skills & confidence necessary to begin Sundry KC. Cheers to the many projects to come. For now, please enjoy a few of my highlights;